01256 863006 info@printdirections.co.uk

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Eco Policy

Providing an Eco-Friendly Print Service

Print Directions recognises the social and economic effect our industry can have on the environment and with that in mind we are fully committed to complying with the Environmental Protection Act of 1990. We’re happy to be green.


Our Eco-friendly aims are:

  • Ensure wood pulp suppliers have well managed & sustainable forests and where possible wood pulp is manufactured with elemental chlorine free chemicals.
  • Run appropriate environmental management system.


Meta Tags

Meta tags and metadata allows the website to define non-visible information about the website. Search engines can use this information to determine what information they should feature in the search results etc.

Alt Text

Stands for alternative text. This is the text that is displayed if an image fails to load and is also used for accessibility. If you are blind, your computer will read out the image alt text as a way of describing to the user what the image is portraying.

HTML5 Element Tags

HTML5 offers new semantic elements to define different parts of a web page which make it easier for search engines to locate and read relevant content on your site.


This is the non-customer facing, behind the scenes part of the website. EG, the code files and databases which make the website work.

Breadcrumb Navigation Paths

These are text links which show the user where abouts on the website they are in relation to other content on the site. If they clicked on ‘Link 1’ from the homepage, the breadcrumb on that page would display as ‘Home > Link 1’. You can then use these links to quickly navigate back to previously visited or other relative pages on the website.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics allows you to track pages on your website and monitor which pages are viewed the most, how visitors got to that page and how long they stayed on that page. You can then use this information to improve weaker pages and also to find ways to encourage visitors to come back to your website. Read more here.